Thought for the Week

"A hug is a perfect gift - one size fits all and nobody minds if you give it back."


Hell. Why does your brain throw random information at you when you least expect it?

Has anyone ever had one of those 'light bulb' moments, where your brain, for absolutely no apparent reason, retrieves some previously insignificant piece of information from your on board recycle bin and not only restores the item to the location it used to be at without you requesting it, but whilst it's on a roll, it digs around in the recycle bin and retrieves a few more items which it deems have some sort of link to the newly recycled information and stores them right at the front of your brain. Just in that part which comes to the foreground of your involuntary thought processes at the most inconvenient of times?

The reason my on board computer decided it was calling the shots - it thinks it's found a link with the present.

Let me explain.

I was visiting the little girls room at work, minding my own business. I don't recall having been thinking of anything in particular at the time, when all of a sudden I was bombarded with names and memories and information from my past. My brain had this little flurry of nostalgic moments and continued to overload on them.

The motherboard must have had a power surge or something, the information came thick and fast...

"Steve W..., - Stephen W..."

"Of course. Holy Shite. Stephen W..."

"Thought he looked familiar"

"Went to primary school with a Stephen W..., I wonder if it's the same person"

"Steve W... the landlord of football teams pub, of course"

"That's why he looked so familiar"

"Michelle C..., Amanda S..., Stephen W.... holy cow."

"Of course, it makes sense, I can see it in his mannerisms"

"Stephen W..., damn, why didn't I spot it before"

"What are the chances of that? It must be him"

"I can see it now. Hell, wait till I see him at the weekend!"

That was the gist of my brain function. There was a few more similar thoughts and they came at such a rate of knots I felt almost dizzy.

I wrote about the footy team last week and of having gained back some of that 'family' feeling I used to have years ago when I played darts for a pub team.

Well, Steve W... is the landlord of this current pub. I have been a regular in the pub and at the footy games now for over a month. At first I thought he looked familiar, then I thought he just had one of those faces and personalities. Some people get you like that, they are so cheerful, and so at ease with people that you feel like you have known them for ages.

The landlord and landlady are both like this. On one of the walls of the pub is painted the phrase

"There are no strangers here - only friends that haven't met yet"

And that is exactly how they are with all of their customers, whether it's the first time they have seen you or the 100th time they have seen you.

The more I have thought about it, and believe me my brain has been thrusting this info at me constantly for the last 24 hours now, the more I am 100% certain. He has the same looks, the same smile, the same mannerisms.

It is 28 years since I saw him regularly at primary school, although I think in the 5 years following that I saw him a handful of times around the estate that I lived on at the time.

It truly is a small world.

Fancy making a 'new' good friend, only too find out he was an 'old' friend of sorts.


Elaine Denning said...

A few years ago I was walking down the road and saw this really good looking guy. We stared at each other as we passed, and both turned round for a final glance before turning the corner. It was about 12 months later that I realised he was actually the first boy I had ever kissed when I was about 10 years old. It really freaked me out!

And he was GORGEOUS!

I really wish I'd stopped to say hi...

Ali said...

Did you ask yourself the same question.. How the hell did I not realise at the time?

I haven't decided whether to come right out and tell him straight at the weekend or to have a little fun with it first!!

Imagine... if it wasn't ACTUALLY him!!! lol

Elaine Denning said...

Oooh, you HAVE to have some fun. Can you remember anything about him? His friends? His family? Where he lived? You could REALLY interfere with his mind!

Ali said...

I can remember quite a bit about his friends, particularly 2 girlfriends he had when he was at secondary school, who were also at our primary, thing is, I can also remember something that I couldn't mention in front of his wife!!! so I have to be careful! The only pics I have are of the school netball team in our last year when we won the district schools cup, needless to say, he wasn't in it!!! lol

Cherrie said...

What an interesting dilemma! Do you go up to him and start a conversation with "Remember me?" Do you act like you don't know him and wait to see if he remembers you, and brings it up? If you do talk to each other, will you have much in common to talk about? A lot of time has passed.

It's like Memory Monday, but the memory has come to life!

P.S.--Miss U, you should have kissed him. Or at least started a conversation. You never know what might happen . . .

Elaine Denning said...

I didn't realise it was him at the time, Cherrie. And whatever would he have thought if a random stranger just planted one on him? LoL.

Hmmm. Perhaps I should try that one day and see what reaction I get?

Ali said...

Cherrie ~ it's not much of a dilema, we have talked and chatted to each other for over a month and get on really well. Me and hubby, amongst others we're at his pub all evening a couple of weeks ago to celebrate his wife's birthday, ended up playing REALLY silly games and had a lock-in til 4am!! My only dilema is whether to just come right out and say I can't believe I didn't recognise you earlier, or to have a little fun and somehow try and steer the conversation round to school days and start name dropping and watch for the reaction!

Ali said...

Owl ~ A lot of what my brain throws up is useless too, but it really freaks me out when it does this kind of thing!

Thanks from dropping by.

Cherrie said...

If you did that to me, Miss U., you might be surprised and delighted at my reaction . . .

Well, we haven't formally met yet, have we?