Thought for the Week

"A hug is a perfect gift - one size fits all and nobody minds if you give it back."

My Heritage

Miss Understood, you have a lot to answer for.

Your post on Wednesday, although quite enlightening, had a link. A link to My Heritage. Do you have any idea how impossible it is to sit and look at a hyperlink and not click it? Well do you?

Well of course I clicked the damn link, what was I meant to do with it! Not only was it sitting there calling me, begging for it, 'My Heritage' sounded like a site that would tie in with my enjoyment of genealogy too, double whammy!!

The site says that if you upload a photo of yourself, it can tell you which celebs you most look like.

What fun I thought, always a sucker for a bit of corny entertainment.

I only had one photograph of myself on my computer, I hate having my picture taken and avoid it at all costs as a rule. The photo to be uploaded is supposed to be a large facial picture, facing directly forwards. The picture I had was slightly side on, but I thought what the heck, lets do it.

The uploading was quick, the face recognition and comaparisons took a little longer, as I sat there itching to know if I looked like anyone famous, or more to the point, anyone famous and beautiful.

Hey, a girl can dream can't she?

Eventually, there it was, my own mini list of celebrity look-alikes. They were pretty unlike me I have to say. I put that down to the bad photo, and decided to try another.

Aha - camera in hand, could I hold it at arms length and still get the whole of my face in shot?

Click - flash - blind - blink - oh yuk, do I really look that bad? I had already had my evening shower by the time I tried this and so this was a bare faced, unmade, pure, raw version of me!

When I ran this image through the website, it said I looked a lot like Ashley Olsen - wow, she's gorgeous. Katie Holmes - OMG, she's beautiful...

.... and


How the hell did that happen?

Did I miss something?


Where's that flippin' mirror?

OMG, don't EVER let me out of the house without my make-up, it says....

How in God's name did Mick bloody Jagger get in at 7th place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not one to be beaten, and not wishing to retain the Mick Jagger image every time I look in the mirror, I decided to try again in the morning after I had dressed and applied my make-up for work.

Yes - that's what I would do. Take another pic, with my war paint on. Not that I wear much for work, but it might even things out a little!

So, this morning I took another shot, in what I hoped was better lighting too.

The results? Well not wanting to bore you (or have you all wetting yourself laughing), Kofi Annan was amongst them!!

So... what's a girl to do?


Take another photo. Set the camer to self timer, and try taking a shot that is not close enough to produce an x-ray image when the flash explodes!

Yes. Success. At last, no Mick Jagger or Kofi or any of the others I can barely remember the names of!

So girls - the moral of this story is, be careful where you click, and if you must take a self portrait, do it from a little distance!!


Cherrie said...

Your results make me suspect this tehnology needs to have some of the bugs worked out. I mean, some of the matches it gave you make no sense at all, and I don't even know what you look like.

Just imagine if Tom Cruise rolled over in bed one morning to find Kofi Annan . . .

Ali said...

HAHAHA, my thoughts exactly!! You could pick whether to show just male, just female or all results though. Seems to me, if I look like Mick Jagger and/or Kofi Annan, maybe Elaines fettish for Bruce Forsythe is not so strange!!!!

Elaine Denning said...

Excuse is NOT a fettish! It's a warm, snug, cosy kind of feeling somewhere in my tummy but NOT between my legs, ok?


Anyway. I know what you look like, and I'm surprised Mick Jagger was at 7. He should have been at 3 or 4.

Awww, I'm sorry...I'll get serious now. If this makes you feel any number 1 on my list, YES, NUMBER ONE was Gareth bloody Gates. I may even put the pics up to show you, because seriously, it was unfortunately a really good match!

Ali said...

Miss U ~ LOLOL you cheeky co... no, I can't be that cruel... unlike you dear!!!! thanks for making me laugh, and I'd love to see your results.

I wasted soooooooo much time on that bloody site, although interestingly after your blog, I did come up with Angelina Jolie a couple of times!!

Shape ~ oohhhhhhh, can see we're becoming great friends, your comfortable enough to be brave with your comments!!!! lolol, I love it, keep it coming!

PS - Can't wait to see yours. (celebrity matches I mean *grin*) x

Ali said...

Nikki ~ I'm soooo glad I wasn't the only one to get suckered into that link of Elaine's!!

Thanks for dropping by, I'm on my way over to your place now.

Girlfriend ~ it was quite funny, I actually did it about..ohh... hhmmmm times, I couldn't believe some of the results!!!!

Glad you dropped by, thanks