Thought for the Week

"A hug is a perfect gift - one size fits all and nobody minds if you give it back."

2006 overview

OK, I was sorta challenged to do this... I think.. at least if I wasn't challenged I stole this from Miss U who in turn stole it from rn_buffoon... so here goes!

What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
I started this blog. I lost over 2 stone at weight watchers. I began a photography course. Celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary and my 40th birthday. Became a great Aunt!

Did you keep your New Years' resolutions and have you made more for this year?
On account of the fact that I have a REALLY bad memory... I can't say if I kept them! I didn't make any this year really, just to try not to be so hard on myself.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yep, my nephews partner gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Did anyone close to you die?
No, had a touch & go moment early in the year, but thankfully he pulled through.

What countries did you visit?
None. I live on the S.E. Coast of England and so I have cross-channel ferries and the Channel Tunnel rail link on my doorstep, and I didn't even make it to France!

What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Sanity. Think I have already blown that one

What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
October 11th, my anniversary. I have a fantastic husband, and every single day I wonder how I got to be so lucky to have found him. We celebrated with a champagne flight on the London Eye which my children bought us.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Finally doing something positive for myself and enrolling at college

What was your biggest failure?
Every day that I woke up and thought to myself "I'm not sure I can make it to the end of another day" Most days for the first 6 months, then a few less.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Not that I am trying to copy Miss U but yes, I was a little crazy for a while... hang on, if I'm honest I was a lot crazy for a while. I had an abscess which the dentist didn't allow to clear up before extracting 3 teeth and ended up having my gums sewn up to stop the bleeding. Had a large cyst removed from my thyroid which stopped me talking at any level above 'gentle', but everyone at home thought they were in heaven, so 'every cloud....' etc ... lol

What was the best thing you bought?
My posh New Years Eve dress. The first time in a few years that I have actually enjoyed shopping for a dress... this one was 2 dress sizes smaller than last years!

Whose behaviour merited celebration?
My husbands; he put up with mine for yet another year!

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
A work colleagues who thought it was OK to sit and play on the computer all day whilst muggin's here did all the work!

Where did most of your money go?
Money?? What money?

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I am easily excited!! Too many things to list, but I guess starting my photography course came high up the list, sad I know, but I LOVE learning, always have, always will.

What song will always remind you of 2006?
Damn, if only I had a memory, I would be able to tell you.

Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer?
A Lot happier generally, (maybe less mad would be a better description); A LOT thinner, 2 stones in fact. Neither richer nor poorer in the monetary sense, but the happier and thinner make me feel richer in other ways

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Job Hunting

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Crying and feeling sorry for myself.

How did you spend Christmas?
As always, at home with my family around me, just the way I like it

Did you fall in love in 2006?
Tough one. I think I fell in love with life again. We still have our little differences, but not in the way we used to... does that count?

How many one-night stands?

What was your favourite TV program?
Oh gosh. I don't watch a lot of TV really. Have to admit I do get drawn into the reality shows like Big Brother!! (cringe) but my favourite has to be LOST.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I hated everyone at the beginning of last year!! lol... generally I try not to waste precious time and energy hating, it's very destructive.

What was the best book you read?
My daughter lent me a couple on serial murders, which I found intrigingly deep and very interesting.. Harold Shipman was one, I did realise, when given some strange looks by the nurses when I was in hospital having my thyroid op' that it probably wasn't the right place to read it though.. what d'ya reckon?

What was your greatest musical discovery?
That it is OK to do karaoke when I'm drunk, it sounds pretty damn good!!

What did you want and get?
My Canon EOS 400D SLR camera, (sorry Elaine)

What did you want and not get?
A new car. Well not new as in never used, but new to me. My rust bucket needs to visit the big metal graveyard at the breakers!

What was your favourite film of this year?
Memory, memory, why does every question require me to use it??? I can't remember which films I did watch, but I know I did!!!

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 40, and I believe I finished my christmas shopping. The evening was spent at the pub, with all my friends and family, that had been secretly invited to join us, dropping in.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Easy. Sanity.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
I don't have a fashion concept. If I see something I like, I wear it. That said, G has renamed our daughters Trinny and Susannah, as they keep a tight lead on us when we are buying clothes!!!

What kept you sane?
Look back a couple of questions!

The little sanity I had in the first 2/3rds of the year was courtesy of my wonderful, supportive, patient husband, my fantastic Mum, and a very special lady who took the time to befriend me and encourage me, thx Elaine. (Had I known at the time that you were as barking mad as I was..... just kidding honey)

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Jack in LOST was pretty hot!

What political issue stirred you the most?
The appalling, cowardly act carried out by the London Bombers, and the fallout that always follows these events, where one government agency blames another, and they blame their lack of intelligence, or their lack of reaction to intelligence they had on another agency and so on.

Who was the best new person you met in 2006?
I think I have already answered that, and although I have not met her in the flesh, Miss U is the best new person I met in 2006. (Elaine, you can pay me later love)

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006?
That sometimes in life, no matter what, you have to look after number 1, cos if you don't, no-one else will.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Can you see
The honest questions in my heart this hour
I am opening like a flower
To the rain
And do you know the silent sorrows of a
Never ending journey through the pain

Do you see a brighter day for me
Another day
A day

Do you wonder whats in store for me
The cure for me
The way

Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
Would you die them too
And all for me.
- Daniel Bedingfield

PS - Elaine, as promised....

The answer to the "Whose eye is it?"

Meet Maverick


Cherrie said...

What a list of milestones in 2006! I hope you have just as good a year in 2007, but perhaps a bit less busy one. Relax and enjoy!

That is one strange-looking owl . . .

Ali said...

Cherrue ~ It didn't look so bad on paper did it, but I sure hope this year is a heck of a lot better than last!.

...Why is it a strange looking owl??

Elaine Denning said...

You have an owl?????

Girl, you are MAD!

I always thought I met you at the end of 2005...although that may have been when I was just reading, and you were completely unware of my existence. (Ooooh, what a weird thought..)
And you know how much I appreciate all your support and emails...your friendship and encouragement...all the times you've made me laugh when I just felt like sticking my head down the toilet.... Thanks Ali. x

Well, it seems our years were pretty similar (what with the insanity, the teeth, the tears, the lack of fashion sense and the love of photography).

I think a trip is most defintely called for in the summer...we have no excuse to not're only down the road! Oh! And that reminds me. Guess who FINALLY paid her mobile phone bill? LoL. I'm back on again and lovin' it!

I have my fingers crossed that 2007 will be fantastic for us both. x

Ali said...

Elaine ~ she is not my owl!!! Heaven forbid. She belongs to one of the guys at college and he brought her in to give us a photo opportunity, she was lovely.

A trip in the summer sounds like a fantastic idea, you're right, we are not far apart at all really.

Glad you are back on mobile.

Miss Construed... said...

All along I thought it was a cat's eye...

Ali said...

rn_buffoon - it could easily have been a cats eye... except there was no sign of a white dotted line!!! lol

Matt said...

Excellent photos. I am always impressed by people who understand how to utilize cameras to capture the world. Absolutely fantastic.

Ali said...

Matt ~ wow! thank you honey. I have been studying, or rather I am studying photography at college at the moment and am thoroughly enjoying thinking about the world in a different way and from a different view point. Pop back next month and we should have another set.