The 'How To' guide
Lots of you wanted to know how the images in my last post were created, so this post will give you all the information you need, not only to understand how they were created, but to have a go yourself. It really is simple.
The images were created from nothing more than smoke. Yep, really. The clue was in the title folks!!
I was going to write up a brief description on how to do it, but thought it would be easier to follow the original instructions instead of my ramblings, so what follows are photo's of the magazine pages which tell you everything you need to know from what equipment, how to set it up, right through to how to process and colour them in Photoshop.
I hope that if you click on the images they will be sufficiently large for you all to read the instructions.
Happy Snapping to you all, and if any of you create your own pictures, please drop by and let me know how you got on, I would love to see them.