Thought for the Week

"A hug is a perfect gift - one size fits all and nobody minds if you give it back."


I was browsing the web whilst trying to come up with some inspiration for a fun blog entry, something a little bit light hearted maybe or some theme that readers could follow on with on their own blogs.

I have looked at hundreds of pages. Then I stumbled across a site that had held a Haiku competition.

What's a Haiku I hear you ask? Well, I didn't know what it was, maybe I was just being a bit blonde!

Definition of a Haiku ~ a mini verse of 3 lines of 5/7/5 syllables.

Sounds easy enough I thought, so I decided I would give it a go. It really cannot be that difficult to write 17 syllables about a topic. It doesn't even have to rhyme.

How wrong can you be! 'Easy' would be to copy some of the entries from the competition and claim them as my own, but plagiarism isn't really my style, so I continue to sit here, trying to write 2 or 3 Haiku for your pleasure.

An hour has past since I began this entry and I have made some progress.

No, really, no applause, it's progress not a finished work of art!!!

I thought it would be fun to try and cover different areas of my life and/or thoughts with each one. So after a little more effort, and a lot more thought, here are 5 little Haiku covering different aspects of my life.

PS - Does anyone have a spare delete key, I think this one's worn out!

~My new passion

Wake every morning
Wondering what thoughts to share
With my blogsphere friends

~My loves ...

Rough seas, tidal flows
White horses a crest the waves
Crashing on the shore

~... and my hates

The blue screen of death
Ate my entire life's work
Fresh page. Start again

~My past ...

Death. Dark. Depression.
Lost him, he's gone forever
Sad thoughts, heavy heart.

~... and my future

Husband, Son, Daughters
Love and adore them always
They are my riches

Goodness, its harder than you think to write something meaningful with so few words!! I hope you enjoyed them. I know which one is my favourite, but that's for very personal reasons; which do you like, if any?


Elaine Denning said...

Ali, that was incredible. I have never tried to do this, (perhaps I will now), but I know Alex (AlexSuze) attempted one a few months back, and he said the more you research it, the more rules you find. You really did a fantastic job.

It is so unfair that some people are forced to start a new page when they want to keep the page they had before. xx

Ali said...

Miss U ~ Thank you. They grow on me a little more each time I read them. I will have to go and investigate Alex's entry. You should try it, your nightclub entry was fantastic and I'm sure a Haiku would be equally as enjoyable to read.

Thank you for your last comment, you have a way of saying SO much with so few words.xx

Cherrie said...

I don't know how much deleting you had to do to come up with these, Ali, but I found them beautiful and haunting. I loved the first one, but the third one hit home. Japanese poetic forms, meet Bill Gates! And the fifth one? Well, any parent should totally agree.

Ali said...

Cherrie ~ You are very kind and I am glad that you could see different aspects in the different Haiku. The third one was the most powerful for me, whilst on the surface, it is about a computer crashing and losing all your files etc, for me it has a much, much, deeper meaning about my past and how I think I have come through it. Gosh that probably makes no sense at all does it. Ask Miss U for my email addy and I will explain what it REALLY represents to me.