Thought for the Week

"A hug is a perfect gift - one size fits all and nobody minds if you give it back."

Information Highway

You gotta love 'em.

They are just so full of information. Trouble is, I think I'll just take a quick look, being inquisitive the way I am, (for inquisitive substitute nosey cow), and then I find the clock has fast forwarded and I just lost another hour!!

In the beginning, it's like a game I guess. A giant puzzle. A who's who? I want to know these things, how, when, where, why?

Of course I am talking about Stat Counters.

Those little, discreet pieces of code, that collect a mine of information about everyone who stops by. Is it vanity to want to know how many of you there are? Maybe, but I did tell you I was a nosey cow. I have to say, I have a lot more visitors than I thought I did. (almost as many every day as Laney gets in half an hour now!!!!).

There are those that just call in once, get bored, leave and never return and there are the steadfast few, that I have come to think of as friends here in this wonderful world of blogland, that read my drivel and then have the heart to stop and comment. Then there are the others!

The others (no we are not talking 'Lost' here!!), the others are in another two groups.

Those who visit sporadically, but stop for a while and play catch up with however many posts they have missed, and those who visit regularly, checking for new reading material but never leave comments. They just sit in the background. I'm fine with that, I often read blogs, that I enjoy, but don't always leave comments. Sometimes, if I have followed a link from a fellow bloggers site I feel I am intruding in some way. Sometimes I just don't have the time to write. Sometimes, I have to eject at the speed of light because the boss walked in!!!!

To the others I say, "You know who you are" but even better than that "I have a good idea who some of you are" I'm sad like that!!! I follow your trails. I can see where you came from, and where you travelled on my site. I can even see how long you spent on each page. (ooohh, I just read this paragraph back, and it's kinda spooky isn't it!!)

To ONE of you I say

"Sorry. There was no HNT pics when you searched. I have not yet been that brave"
(No Laney, that is not a queue for you to start emailing me about doing HNT again, my camera was expensive and I wouldn't want to break it!!!)

I suppose the point I am trying to make is this: No matter how much we all enjoy our own space som er Everyone needs to feel that umm I started my blog as a place to mull over lifes damn.. Sharing is grrr.. Friends come from all walks

Oh sod it. I love you all.


Momentary Madness said...

....and I love you too. Strange to drop by and read what I was thinking of doing (just today in a slightly different) for my next spot. I myself delete my stat track, well they send me my track report by e-mail and when it arrives -I am will I, wont I,- I click delete. I'm not saying that to appear in some kind of way cool or say: hey, I don't care, I do. I care about the ones who comment on my blog, in turn I read their post and try to at least make an effort even if it doesn't catch my imagination or is too intellectual for my small brain. I like well.... what I like but what I'm trying to say is that I'm loyal.
I think blogging is a community and it is a virtue to treat your community with care and respect.
We all need that: Good post you got me feeling / thinking.
Lots of love Y;-) Paddy

Elaine Denning said...

You're a silly ass, and I've had too many wines, and I'm giigling, and I don't know what to say.
Ali...I'll swap my stat counter for yours, ok?
Wanna write a few emails for me, love?
Listen....I saw your 20 comments the other day. Just give it 6 months...and you'll be tearing your bloody hair out!



In Ink said...

Love reading your stuff {HUGS}

oOo..I left you an interesting search string stat too :)

Ali said...

Paddy ~ have you been at the hubbly again dear??

I told you my Stat Counter could tell me lots of stuff didn't I!! It reads your minds while you stare at that screen reading, and then it reports back to me what you were going to blog next!!!!

I agree about the community stuff though. Just because we don't get to meet in person, it doesn't mean you shouldn't extend the same courtesy's does it?

Hugs Paddy.

Ali said...

Laney, how sweet of you to offer me a swap. But, I couldn't, really, it would be soooooooooo unfair to deprive you of all those wonderful emails you get from your very dear blog friends. All those people who love you.

I'll reply to some of your emails for you though.. reckon I could have a right 'giigling' time, tongue in cheek of course!!! or anywhere else it might be required!!!!!

Hugs Laney. x

Ali said...

Michael ~ Oh hell. I'm already LMAO and I haven't even checked to see what the search was yet!! Do I dare? Shall I? Shan't I? grrrrrrrrr..... I just HAVE to do it, I can hear it calling

I'll be back, to thank you or tell you off

Hugs x

Ali said...

HAHAHAHAHA, did you not believe the first search Michael???? Can you please explain why you thought doing it a second time would provide better results.. or a third... or a fourth????

Can't fault you for your persistance to achieve a result I guess!!! lol

22 May 16:02:02 pictures of ali
22 May 15:54:48 pictures of ali
22 May 15:53:32 pictures of ali

I thought I'd be kind enough to remove all your personal info before posting.. but be warned, I have extracted you blog ideas, and I will write about them soon!!!!

In Ink said...

You were kind enough to remove all of my personal info...EXCEPT MY NAME IN YOUR COMMENT!

I did the search once...may have refreshed, backed up to the results page or there's a faulty stat program in play to give duplicate results.

Anonymous said...

I've often stopped by but have never commented, so I expect it's time I did. So I am.

Mike said...

Total drivel!!!!!!! ;)

And you cheated with your heart :P

Ali said...

Michael ~ do you not think people already knew your name was Michael???? lol, or have I lost the plot totally now?? lol

Nicholas ~ Welcome to you. I just love new readers and thx for taking the time to say Hi.

Mike - honey, now don't be sour, just because my heart worked better than yours!!!! I'm a resourceful kinda girl ya see, I don't have problems, just solutions waiting to be found!!! x

In Ink said...

They may not have noticed is all I'm saying...

Cherrie said...

Blogland should be a place of peace and love, Ali, and we love you too. In so many ways!

Ali said...

Cherrie ~ aww, I'm touched. No, really. I just love this place where we get to meet so many genuine people, with big hearts and kind words. Sometimes, I think it's a kinder place than real life.

Hugs x